Sunday 23 June 2013

Brief thoughts on sex and Gunplays new mixtape "ACQUITTED".

Sex is pretty good but this.....

:ohlawd: I'll convert to Islam if his mmg debut is full of tracks like this.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

WARNING! never do something for someone else that you can't get others to do for you.
Push the boat out with your selfishness, or never know what you can really achieve.

First post, ok really need to think of how to express myself through bloggering(Bloggerring?)

Need something that conveys how i feel about ginger bearded baffoons whipping out acoustic guitars at picnics.

Never mind product placement time!

 Would you ever use it as an actual shovel? at this point i don't think my life will be complete until i've fended off attackers with one.